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Article  •  12 May 2016


Keep up with Jack Reacher

How do you stack up against Lee Child’s renegade hero?

Could you keep up with Jack Reacher? We put together 20 rules of Reacher, embracing the code of conduct of this kick-ass character, so you can learn from the best, and see how you measure up. These are the rules he lives by, and so should any other renegade hero for justice.


1. In bars and restaurants, sit with your back to the wall to avoid being surprised from behind.
2. Go to bed fully clothed, so you’re always ready for action.
3. Keep all exits in view.
4. Hit early, hit hard.
5. Always have a coin in your pocket. You never know when you’ll need it to remove license plates.


6. On the road, don’t pack anything more than a toothbrush (preferably a folding one) and an expired passport.
7. Use an alias when checking into motels. Past American presidents generally work well.
8. Don’t use a credit card. Use cash.
9. Never use a smartphone with GPS. It will give away your location.
10. Soak or rinse dirty clothes and place under the mattress to press. Or just buy a new set.
11. Always travel by road. You won’t need ID and you can pay with cash.


12. Eat when you can. You never know when you’ll next get the chance.
13. Always eat a perfect breakfast: Pancakes, egg on top, bacon on the side, plenty of syrup. Plenty of coffee.
14. Sleep when you can and as much as you can. Tiredness causes more foul-ups than carelessness and stupidity put together.


15. To set your own broken nose, smack yourself firmly in the face with the heel of your hand.
16. Use duct tape to keep a broken nose in place or to patch up a knife wound.


17. A courageous guy is someone who feels the fear but conquers it.
18. Take things exactly as they come, for exactly what they are.
19. Know when to get mad, and know when to count to ten before you get mad.
20. If in doubt, say nothing.


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